
  • Activities

    5 Summer Boredom Buster Printables

    Hey Teacher Friends! Today I’m sharing 5 ways to battle summer boredom with the kiddos at home.  Don’t forget to get your FREE printables too! We are already on week 2 of our summer holidays and so far, we have yet to hear the famous words — I’M BORED!  Perhaps, the reason behind this is that we strive the importance of staying busy throughout our summer days.   We love getting the kiddos involved in planning out our summer. It gives them a sense of purpose and motivates them to achieve their own goals they have set.  Plus, it keeps them from getting into the lazy summer mode for awhile! How?   Simple… summer printables!…

  • Activities

    Ultimate Summer Kids Routine

    Hey Teacher Friends! Are you home for the summer with your kiddos?  Good News – I’ve put together a summer routine to help get through the days without pulling out your hair! School’s finally out and it’s our official 1st week of summer!  Woohoo! Yes, it’s very exciting for us as teachers, because we can rest & relax, get some much needed work done around the house, and spend quality time with the kiddos for the next 9 weeks! We’ve been planning out our summer in hopes of making it one of the best summers yet- filled with exciting day trips, summer getaways, pool time, summer camps, and amusement parks too!…

  • Activities

    Summer Bucket List

    HELLO! Are you looking for fun ideas & activities to keep your kiddos busy this summer break?  Here are 80+ kids summer bucket list ideas– enough for each day at home!  Get a copy of your freebie worksheet. This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. School is wrapping up soon for our 3 kiddos as well as us as teachers.  We love sitting down together as a family and coming up with ways to keep busy & entertained during our summer break.  We calculated that we…